
A Serenade Of A Broken-Hearted Girl

there's a story of a girl and a boy

at first they were the best of best friends

the girl loved to share her stories with him

and the boy always supported the girl in whatever she did

one day

the girl had to travel faraway

not forever, just for some weeks

and the boy had been the best company the girl ever had

the boy couldn't let the girl go even when he knew the girl would apparently come back

he just couldn't let her go , and he cried

the day when the girl departed, the boy accompanied her until the last minutes before her flight departed

they both knew it would be pretty hard for them to communicate after that

they would be separated for thousand miles away

and yet that time the boy didn't know where the girl would be gone

he just knew he would be left, for some times, when he couldn't see her , and share stories with her

yet he believed that she'd be back

the night when the girl departed

the boy spent his time sincerely to just accompany her by text

and they promised each other

that they would meet again one day

and off she gone

the boy dedicated most of his days to just keep in touch with her , however it takes

God loved them, they could still communicate

although the time difference was more than 6 hours

that time the boy was in the search of a true love

he was having some bad times

the boy had many problems within his life

he used to share it with the girl

he shared everything, some of them he didn't tell to anybody else

he believed her

and she helped him all the way she could

the whole time they were separated,

it didn't make any divine differences

the difference was only the space , the time difference, the miles between them

but it felt just the same

cause they missed each other as always

they treasured the time they had

every second they met , eventhough they could not see eachother's face


the boy missed the girl so darn much ..

yet the girl was too innocent

she didn't know what love is

she considered the boy only as her best friend

the one who listened to all her problems, and the one who's always great to talk to

until came the day the girl came back home

the boy was enchanted , the boy could not hide his happiness of seeing her came back

the boy mis-behaved, each time the boy saw her coming

and the girl still, she was too innocent

she didn't understand

she just knew she's happy to come back for there was her best friend waiting for her

months after months..

they're getting closer

the boy told her some of his secrets

so did the girl

and one day,

the 'love' word came out from the boy

the girl did not react , perhaps not like the boy hoped for

the girl couldn't say yes to the boy

cause yeah, she didn't know what love is yet

and she'd rather only be his best friend

but the boy was totally in love with her

he couldn't let her go

and he said that he'd wait for the girl, no matter how long it takes

no matter the differences they have

he just kept on waiting

and believing

believing that one day, God will give them the chance to be together

they're totally different

but they are same in many ways

sometimes they start doing things in the same time, unintendedly

they did not know that they'd have so many same things in their total differences

the boy kept on waiting

though the girl seemed not to give him the chance

yet he still believed

problems started to come between them

trying to ruin their beautiful days

the boy started not to believe in her anymore

but each time he did , the girl made him believe that the feelings they had was true

eventually the girl felt love in the boy

and told him that she loved him too

but there's a big gap, a huge gap between them

that couldn't unite them

problems kept on attacking them

making them dying , but they tried to be persistent with the love they had

no matter the gap , the walls, or the problems came to them

they just believed.

faith was the only thing they had.

one day

the girl did a mistake. a big one.

she was playing, playing with his love, his sincere love.

the boy thought so

and yeah , maybe it was one of the girl's biggest mistake ever made in her life

the girl was close to a lot of boys

as she considered them as best friends only

at first the boy was a bit jealous, but for his love

he didn't care

he believed in the girl

but patience doesn't exist forever

the boy came into a point where he ran out of his patience

he left the girl.

he told the girl not to bother him anymore.

that time the girl woke up.

she loved him, more than she'd ever realized.

she was desperate, finding any ways she could find to make him look at her again

but she's already late.

she cried , badly

but that didn't bring him back

the boy had already left her

and told somebody , that he's in love with somebody else

the girl was desperate.

she did everything.

but the boy just did not care at all.

poor her.

*made by dara antares.


5 komentar:

Verantika Indera said...

hahahaha :p

iifa.h.y said...

ouch :'(

dara.antares said...

vera : diketawain rek -__-

ifa : yeah it sucks isn't it? haha

Cataglia said...

Me woooooooooves you.

thine forever wanderlust story teller, M. said...

me wooves you too dumdum

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